



桑拿1. 将朱砂研成细末,备用。

2. 根据瘙痒部位的大小,取适量朱砂粉末,加入少量麻油或蒸馏水,调和成糊状。

3. 将调好的朱砂糊均匀涂抹在瘙痒部位,轻轻按摩至吸收。

4. 每日涂抹2-3次,连续使用3-5天,即可见效。


1. 清热解毒:朱砂具有清热解毒的作用,可以清除体内湿热、热毒等病因,从而达到止痒的目的。

2. 凉血消肿:朱砂具有凉血消肿的功效,可以缓解皮肤瘙痒引起的红肿、热痛等症状。

3. 收敛止痒:朱砂外用可以收敛皮肤,减少瘙痒感,同时抑制细菌滋生,防止感染。

4. 激发皮肤自我修复能力:朱砂外用可以促进皮肤血液循环,增强皮肤新陈代谢,提高皮肤自我修复能力。


1. 朱砂外用不宜长期使用,以免引起皮肤过敏或副作用。

2. 使用朱砂外用时,应避免接触眼睛、口腔等黏膜部位。

3. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女及过敏体质者慎用。

4. 若瘙痒症状严重或伴有其他并发症,应及时就医。






1. 准备材料:朱砂粉末、白酒或食醋。

2. 将朱砂粉末与白酒或食醋按1:1的比例混合,搅拌均匀。

3. 取适量混合液涂抹于蚊虫叮咬处,轻轻按摩至吸收。
4. 每日涂抹2-3次,直至症状缓解。


1. 清热解毒:朱砂具有清热解毒的作用,能够消除蚊虫叮咬处的毒邪,减轻炎症反应。

2. 消肿止痛:朱砂外用能够抑制局部血管扩张,减少渗出,从而起到消肿止痛的效果。

3. 防止感染:朱砂具有收敛作用,能够防止叮咬处破溃,降低感染风险。


1. 皮肤过敏者慎用:部分人群对朱砂过敏,使用前应先进行皮肤过敏测试。

2. 避免接触眼睛:朱砂粉末可能对眼睛造成刺激,使用时应避免接触。

3. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女及婴幼儿慎用:朱砂外用可能对孕妇、哺乳期妇女及婴幼儿产生不良影响,请在医生指导下使用。

4. 适量使用:朱砂外用不宜过量,以免引起不良反应。



1. **发汗解表**:黄枝具有发汗解表的作用,适用于治疗外感风寒引起的感冒症状,如头痛、发热、脉浮等。它能够透达营卫,发散肌表的风寒,帮助身体驱除外邪。

2. **温经散寒**:黄枝具有温经散寒的功效,适用于治疗因寒气凝滞引起的关节疼痛、肢体关节冷痛、手脚冰凉等症状。它有助于温通经脉,祛风散寒,对于缓解风寒湿痹有显著效果。

3. **调经止痛**:黄枝能疏肝解郁,调经止痛,对于女性月经不调、痛经等有辅助治疗作用。

4. **抗炎及治疗软组织损伤**:黄枝具有一定的抗炎作用,可以用于治疗扭伤、挫伤等软组织损伤。

5. **促进胰腺分泌**:黄枝能够促进胰腺分泌,有助于调节消化系统功能。

6. **抑菌作用**:黄枝具有一定的抑菌作用,可以用于治疗某些感染性疾病。

7. **清热利湿**:对于湿热引起的疾病,如口疮、痢疾、腹泻、黄疸等,黄枝具有一定的清热利湿作用。

8. **其他作用**:黄枝还有助于治疗水肿、胸闷、胸痛等症状,适用于寒凝经脉或阳气不足引起的疾病。


– **在专业人员的指导下使用**:由于黄枝的药性较强,应在专业中医师的指导下使用,避免自行乱用导致不良反应。


– **避免过量用药**:过量使用黄枝可能导致出汗过多、心慌等不良反应。

– **注意饮食和生活习惯**:在用药期间,应保持心情开朗,适量运动,饮食以清淡为主,多吃富含维生素和蛋白质的食物,避免辛辣刺激和高盐高油的食物。

– **禁用情况**:对于关节有明显的红肿及热痛症状的患者,应禁用黄枝。



1. **营养均衡**:红芋富含蛋白质、钙、磷、铁、钾、镁、钠等多种矿物质,以及胡萝卜素、烟酸、维生素C、B族维生素等多种维生素。这些营养成分对于维持人体健康具有重要作用。

2. **调节酸碱平衡**:红芋属于碱性食品,可以中和体内积存的酸性物质,有助于维持人体的酸碱平衡,从而有利于身体健康。

3. **减肥作用**:红芋热量较低,每100克仅含有约86大卡,且富含膳食纤维,有助于肠胃蠕动,缓解便秘,适合减肥人群食用。

4. **提高免疫力**:红芋中含有的黏液蛋白,被人体吸收后能产生免疫球蛋白,提高机体免疫力,增强抵抗力。

5. **解毒消肿**:红芋具有解毒、消肿止痛的功效,可用于治疗急性乳腺炎、跌打瘀肿、痈疮疖肿、疥癣等疾病。

6. **保护肝脏和眼睛**:红芋梗富含胡萝卜素和类胡萝卜素,有助于提高肝功能,促进视网膜发育,预防视力减退。

7. **美容养颜**:红芋中丰富的营养成分有助于美容养颜,保持皮肤健康。

8. **预防疾病**:红芋中的抗氧化成分有助于预防心血管疾病和某些癌症。


9. **改善消化**:红芋中的膳食纤维有助于改善消化系统功能,预防胃酸过多症。


10. **防止骨质疏松**:红芋中含有的钙和磷等矿物质有助于维持骨骼健康,预防骨质疏松。




1. **杀菌消炎**:大蒜中含有丰富的硫化合物,如大蒜素,这些成分具有强烈的抗菌和消炎作用,可以有效抑制和杀灭多种细菌、真菌和病毒。

2. **预防感冒**:大蒜中的硫化丙烯辣素可以预防感冒,同时减轻感冒症状,如发热、咳嗽、咽痛及鼻塞等。

3. **预防肠胃疾病**:大蒜中的大蒜素可以有效抑制和杀死幽门螺杆菌等细菌病毒,预防肠胃疾病。

4. **预防女性霉菌性阴道炎**:大蒜中的大蒜素等物质可以抑制白色念珠菌在阴道内的过度生长和繁殖,预防霉菌性阴道炎。


5. **防治肿瘤和癌症**:大蒜中的锗和硒等元素可以抑制肿瘤细胞和癌细胞的生长,具有抗癌作用。

6. **保护肝功能**:大蒜中的微量元素硒参与血液的有氧代谢,清除毒素,减轻肝脏的解毒负担,保护肝脏。

7. **治疗阳痿**:大蒜能刺激机体产生一氧化氮合酶,这是男性勃起所必需的酶,同时能刺激雄性激素分泌,改善因肾气不足而引发的浑身无力症状,并促进精子的生成。


8. **抗衰老**:大蒜中的某些成分具有抗衰老特性,能促进血液循环,增强皮肤细胞的新陈代谢,起到美容作用。

9. **抗疲劳**:大蒜中的维生素B1与大蒜素结合,可以消除疲劳,恢复体力。

10. **旺精力**:大蒜能刺激雄性激素分泌,改善血液循环,有利于改善勃起功能。

11. **防治心脑血管疾病**:大蒜可以防止心脑血管中的脂肪沉积,诱导组织内部脂肪代谢,增加纤维蛋白,预防动脉硬化和冠心病。

12. **解毒**:大蒜可以帮助解毒,对于铅中毒者,食用大蒜可以减少铅中毒的发生。



1. **促进消化**:酵素片中的酶类成分能够帮助分解食物中的大分子物质,如蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪,使其转化为小分子,便于人体吸收和利用。例如,胃蛋白酶可以将蛋白质分解成氨基酸,有助于营养的吸收。

2. **提高营养吸收**:酵素能够加速消化过程,使得营养物质更容易被肠道吸收,从而提高营养吸收率。

3. **支持免疫系统**:一些酵素具有抗菌和抗炎作用,有助于增强身体对抗疾病和感染的能力,维持免疫系统的健康。

4. **促进肠道健康**:酵素有助于维持肠道菌群的平衡,抑制有害细菌的生长,促进肠道健康,减少毒素积累。


5. **缓解消化不良**:补充酵素可以提供额外的消化酶,帮助消化系统更有效地分解食物,减轻胃部不适、胀气和消化不良等消化问题。

6. **提供抗氧化保护**:某些酵素具有抗氧化作用,能够中和自由基,减少氧化应激对身体的损害。

7. **辅助治疗疾病**:酵素片在某些情况下可以辅助治疗疾病,如糖尿病、高血压、高血脂等。例如,对II型糖尿病患者,酵素可能有助于降低血糖,减少对胰岛素的需求。

8. **改善体质,预防疾病**:长期补充酵素可以改善体质,增强身体的自然愈力,预防疾病的发生。


– **并非药物**:酵素片不能替代药物,对于严重疾病,应遵循医生的指导进行正规治疗。
– **个体差异**:不同人对酵素片的反应可能不同,有的人可能会出现一些不适反应,如腹泻、头痛等。
– **剂量控制**:过量服用酵素片可能不会带来额外的益处,甚至可能产生不良反应。
– **质量保证**:选择酵素片时,应注意选择正规品牌和有质量保证的产品。



1. **养颜美容**:银耳富含的氨基酸和多糖胶质能补益肺气,桂圆和红枣则含有丰富的抗氧化物质,能延缓皮肤老化,增强皮肤弹性,使肌肤更加光滑细腻。

2. **补血益气**:红枣和桂圆都是补气血的佳品,能提高机体免疫力,增强心肺功能,对于产后虚弱、营养不良等症状有很好的改善作用。

3. **健脾开胃**:银耳桂圆红枣汤能够促进脾胃消化,改善食欲不振,对积食不化有良好的治疗效果。

4. **润肺止咳**:在秋季饮用,可以滋润肺腑,预防咳嗽和感冒,对于干咳少痰、口干咽燥等症状有缓解作用。

5. **抗衰老**:桂圆和红枣中的维生素C和E等抗氧化物质,有助于抵抗衰老,保持年轻状态。

6. **滋阴生津**:银耳具有滋阴润肺、益胃生津的功效,对于阴液不足、津血亏虚有一定的改善作用。


7. **养心安神**:桂圆和红枣能够养心安神,对于失眠、心慌、乏力等症状有缓解效果。


8. **健脾益肾**:枸杞能够补肾助阳、益精填髓、补肝肾,对于肝肾亏虚有很好的滋补作用。




1. **高蛋白与氨基酸**:白藜麦是一种完全蛋白食品,其蛋白质含量可高达16-22%,且含有所有必需氨基酸,这意味着白藜麦能提供人体所需的所有氨基酸,对于需要补充蛋白质的人群,如素食者、运动员等,是一个很好的选择。

2. **矿物质与微量元素**:白藜麦含有丰富的矿物质,如钙、铁、锌、锰、镁、钾等,这些矿物质对于骨骼健康、血液循环、免疫系统功能等都是必不可少的。


3. **维生素**:白藜麦含有多种维生素,如B族维生素、维生素E等,这些维生素有助于维持正常的身体机能和促进新陈代谢。

4. **膳食纤维**:白藜麦含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于改善消化系统功能,预防便秘,同时也有助于控制体重,因为它能提供较长时间的饱腹感。


5. **调节血糖**:白藜麦的血糖生成指数较低,适合糖尿病患者食用,可以帮助控制血糖水平,减少糖尿病并发症的风险。

6. **心血管健康**:白藜麦中的矿物质和膳食纤维有助于降低胆固醇,预防心血管疾病,如动脉粥样硬化。

7. **促进生长发育**:白藜麦中含有的赖氨酸有助于合成免疫抗体、消化酶、血浆蛋白和生长激素,对儿童和青少年的生长发育有积极作用。


8. **改善酸碱平衡**:白藜麦是碱性食物,有助于维持人体酸碱平衡,有助于身体健康。

9. **适合多种人群**:由于白藜麦的低糖、低脂和饱腹感强的特点,它适合减肥人群、三高人群、孕妇、儿童以及饮食不均衡的人群食用。

10. **增强免疫力**:白藜麦中含有的多种营养成分有助于增强人体免疫力,预防疾病。


Fu Xi’s heart moved slightly to grasp Li Suiyun’s mind. He nodded gently and gave a big gift to Li Suiyun. He said, "On what causes and effects we had before, I will eventually admire Daoyou for clearing away the emptiness in the future. If something happens, Fu Xi will do his best to prove that a word has been spoken."

Li Suiyun nodded his head with satisfaction, and in a short time he arrived in Luzhou, Beiju. At first, he focused on the management of several Lingbao in the north, and he was driven into the earth without suffering from war. The ground wave here is really full of aura and deserves to be a paradise.
Millions of people in the demon country have a clear pulse, and millions of brothers have seen Li Suiyun’s worship of the demon country’s fairy heads in the clouds and a clear pulse, and all the saints in Kong Xuan have worshipped this potential, which is somewhat more grand than when the gods worshipped the clouds.
Li Suiyun nodded slightly and his eyes were full of sighs. He looked up at the sky and gently sighed, "In those days, I wanted you to assume the mantle of Nuwa Empress. In the future, Ren Huang’s younger brother is always three feet taller than my Taoist disciple. I don’t want God’s will to provoke you to compete with Nuwa Empress. Today I will put you back in the door."
Yunxiao immediately bowed to Li Suiyun Yingying as a gift from her master. Since then, she has returned to Qingxumen, and she is both a parent and a natural achievement in the future.
When all the practitioners of the demon race saw that Yunxiao Fairy returned to Li Suiyun Gate, they all liked Li Suiyun’s Hong Jun War. This was the avatar, and they all said that since then, the demon race has had another patron. Do you like it?
Li Suiyun nodded gently with a smile and looked at Kong Xuanwei. He hesitated and said, "Come with me."
Kong Xuan unconsciously followed the last two until a quiet place. Li Suiyun looked at Kong Xuan and said, "I’m at the end of the world of mortals, but I can’t stay for a long time. I’ll go to hinder you, but I can rest assured that you and my eldest brother will rise and fall in your body in the future. However, you are always sanctified later than other saints. On that day, I had to help Pangu and eventually become a road. Now I will give you an arm."
Words did not fall to see him with a wave of his hand, Kong Xuanshen stopped his right hand and pointed to the knife as a heavy stroke to his heart to see white light. Li Suiyun’s strong chest had more silk and thin gaps, but before Kong Xuan wanted to be white, he saw a golden red blood sprayed out and poured him a transparent one.
Kong Xuan was stunned by this scene and was at a loss. He felt that the golden red blood was full of terrible power, which was eroding himself and infiltrating his skin. He could feel the poor power injected into his body and transforming his body.
Li Suiyun’s chest wound healed. He looked a little pale and glanced at Kong Xuan’s light tunnel. "Don’t wave this force. I can help you to this point. You have to go by yourself."
Kong Xuan didn’t know why Li Suiyun would say such a thing, but he didn’t have the mind to think much. He hurriedly sat cross-legged in the middle of the class and concentrated on practicing. The golden red blood sprayed by Li Suiyun penetrated into his skin and was refined by him. This is the power of clearing away emptiness. Like Pangu, he gave his heart to others and pinned his hopes on his successor.
Kong Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and his whole temperament has changed. How big is Pangu Li Suiyun’s magical power? No one wants to try it. In those days, Li Suiyun benefited from a drop of hard work. Now his hard work may not be much worse than Pangu’s.
Kong Xuan looked at Li Suiyun and took a deep breath to get up the courage and asked, "Master, where are you going? Don’t you want to learn from the ancestors of Hongjun and ignore the world of mortals? "
Li Suiyun smiled faintly and shook his head gently. "I will note you every day."
Kong Xuan a slight ash but also know that he can’t ask anything. He hesitated for a moment and said gently, "Master, why did you choose me instead of the sky? She is only one step away from being sanctified, even without your help, I’m afraid it won’t be long before she can prove the mixed fruit … "
Li Suiyun said faintly, "Because you are Kong Xuan."
Kong Xuan froze. He didn’t say much.
Nodded Li Suiyun also didn’t say anything to reveal a drum.
There are many younger brothers in the Qing Dynasty. He immediately ordered people to call all the younger brothers one by one and charged them to help Kong Xuan not to fall into the Qing Dynasty.
Yunxiao hesitated to wait for Li Suiyun’s assignment, and then got up and said, "Master, is the demon race on the right path?" Please also ask the master to show. "
Li Suiyun looked at the sky and hesitated for a moment, as if he were hesitating about what to say. It took a long time before he sighed a faint tunnel. "The Terran has robbed the protagonist of heaven. After that, I may know that those who go against the weather have to go along with the weather. Naturally, if you go wrong, you will have a chance. It depends on whether you can grasp it."
Speaking of which, he shook his head with a wry smile. "In fact, how can you be an improper protagonist?" You don’t need to be entangled in many trivial matters like me. You should remember the word "free and unfettered".
Yunxiao and the younger brothers asked again, but they saw Li Suiyun laughing in the sky and turning into a breeze, and the younger brothers couldn’t catch up with him and sighed.
Li Suiyun looked up at the sky at the center of the sky and saw that the four States were dotted with islands separated by oceans, but these four States were consistent with the fairyland in memory. He didn’t say much. He waved his hand and there was already a hundred feet of Fiona Fang crack in front of him. He would go out of the magical power to move mountains, rivers and creatures to the world.
It’s a stormy night in the human world, but it’s a different day to see the world. It’s like a lifetime ago, but Li Suiyun also has scruples about using his magical powers to change everyone’s memory and damage the overall situation
After this, not only will the successful monk be tested by the apocalypse, but if he can achieve enlightenment, he will soar to the celestial world. At this time, Nuwa has finished making people in densely populated areas, and disputes have arisen. Dongsheng is a natural stone monkey in the Huaguo Mountain in China, where he is scratching his head in doubt. How can this day, this place, this mountain, this water, this star and this gas become different overnight? But what’s the difference?
After all this, Li Suiyun seems to be thinking in isolation from the clouds. At this time, all the saints are secretly paying attention to all this because the establishment of the Taoist school in the fairy world has been plagued by major events.
Li Suiyun is also happy and sad in his heart. Everything in the human world is over, and everything in the celestial world is beyond his own care.
He suddenly looked up at the sky, sighed and laughed three times. The whole human body collapsed like a heaped-up mountain collapse and vanished into heaven and earth in an instant.
Godsworn Avatar is not frightened to disgrace, but somehow he has that idea. Smart people suddenly exclaim that they have discovered that the celestial world has been completely cut off, and it is possible that the godsworn’s road to immortality will be retrograde forever.
The saints looked at each other, and all the feelings in their hearts were mixed and they sat still and kept silent.
All the younger brothers in the clear and empty pulse gave gifts to pay homage to all the maids around Li Suiyun, and Avelot Dite spoke tearfully.
Li Suiyun has fallen, but the gods are immortal. He has three yuan gods who have transformed three good, evil and three souls, and he can’t see them all over the sky.
The good soul looks at the evil, holding two souls and exclaiming, "In the past, Pangu deified the world of the wild, and today, our physical body forever enchants the human world to seek a free development environment. Although it is not as good as my brother, it is also called good-hearted and good."
After listening to the evil spirits, they sighed slightly and pondered for a moment, but smiled gently. "We want to break the ranks of the Jedi’s celestial bodies because of our own thoughts, so they have to rely on themselves to practice well. They have suffered a lot for no reason, but they are also called great evil."
After listening to the soul for a long time, he said to good and evil, "We will unite Heaven and Pangu from time to time, and it will be difficult to live in the world of mortals from now on."
The evil spirit smiled lightly and said, "We each have a little spirit to read heaven and earth, to mold a baby and hope for us."
Obsession laughed "will be one? What about three times? "
Michael Qi, the three souls, did not hesitate to give directions. In a moment, the stars circled and danced in his hands for three days at nine o’clock, and then the three souls, whose center was a little shiny, faintly looked like Li Suiyun’s painstaking efforts. These three souls looked at this place and circled for a week and immediately disappeared. It was the saint who found out but also looked up.
Everything has been decided, but the three souls have not lived and sat quietly for a while. The dark clouds in the sky are whirling endlessly, and the vortex is faintly visible. The center purple light flashes with a great suction and falls from the sky. It is impossible for the three souls to resist. The three souls will relax themselves and also follow the force to rotate and rush to the eye of the eye. They will suddenly see the vortex, and they will go straight in and close the eye of the punishment. The dark clouds are scattered in the sky, but they will not be seen again. However, for a moment, the rainstorm will suddenly stop for three days.
The practitioners in the celestial world don’t feel the abundant aura in the rain, but they don’t know what to say or think.

The leader of the plough Sect saw the monkey and others suddenly get up and say, "You fierce Taoist friends, these five beasts are sworn brothers of the wild and forbidden gods!"

"What are you doing!"
The Lord of Xuanji Palace was furious and questioned.
Ji couldn’t help saying, "You Tiangang Sect watched Terran being bullied, but now you bite the hand that feeds you with the help of demon brothers?"
The hierarch of plough sect sneered "It’s just a few animals! This matter is that it is natural that Shura recklessly killed the first lady of the sun and caused him to pay for it. "
"Not bad!"
The leader of the Dungeon Sect also nodded and said, "If there were no Shura ten thousand people’s congress, how could it have developed into this situation?"
Hearing these words, not only Ji Tiantian, but also the patriarch abbot Kongoji, who sent a lantern-burning temple in Piaoxue Valley, glared!
If there is no shura to Terran, I don’t know how to suffer humiliation!
There was a quarrel here in the super clan, but it was very calm there in the five fierce families.
The original five fierce families are waiting for the situation to develop with a lively mind.
However, I heard that the monkeys and others are sworn brothers, which makes the five fierce families have a little interest.
"That wild weapon is estimated to be dead."
Tengluo touched Ba and suddenly said, "It’s not bad to kill these sworn brothers without killing Huangwu!"
"Why don’t we go and play some activities?"
Tengluo licked his lips and said, "I’m a little hungry, just to grab some blood food to eat!" "
The remnant eyes did not move and did not mean to get up.
Jade raksha also reposes and doesn’t seem to want to participate in this kind of fighting.
Xiaoxiang Fairy’s eyes rested on Ji Fairy’s body and suddenly got up and said coldly, "I’ll take care of this witch!"
Teng Luo asked, "How can Taoist Xiaoxiang be interested in a woman?"
"I can’t see anyone with a more beautiful face than me."
Xiaoxiang Goddess said flatly, "If there is one, I will personally destroy her!"
"I like it enough!"
Teng Luo laughed.
Ghost Wu Gong also slowly got up and looked at the half-finished Shura and said faintly, "It seems that this person has to be shot by me personally!"
Although the monkey five brothers Ji goblin really joined, it had little effect on the situation
There are less than fifty of them involved in the three-legged sun.
That is to say, the vast majority of the three-legged sun, including the three major sun families, are still attacking Yan Beichen crazily!
Under such a terrorist offensive, Yan Beichen’s momentum is rising!
The stronger the hatred in his heart, the greater the power of the book from hatred!
Even the three major families of the sun, too many hundreds of families of the sun, can’t suppress him!